Micromedex Training Center

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For nurses
Be prepared for any patient you encounter with evidence-based content, drug interaction checker, calculators and other tools.
For pharmacists
Get fast access to current drug information to resolve complex drug therapy issues and support patient safety.
For physicians
Stay current on the latest drug and disease evidence with daily, reliable clinical updates.
Micromedex tools & applications
Drug Interactions
Duration: 7 minutes
This document outlines the policy and procedures employed by Micromedex Editorial teams to identify clinically relevant drug interactions and develop evidence-based content for inclusion in Micromedex content sets and screening tools. The Micromedex approach seeks to balance delivering robust referential information with actionable recommendations to reduce alert fatigue in direct patient care environments.
3 pages
IV Compatibility
This tutorial guides you through accessing and using the Micromedex IV Compatibility tool, including the enhanced chart view.
Duration: 5 minutes
Use the IV Compatibility Quick Reference Guide as a training resource for new users or a refresher for seasoned users to maximize the use and functionality of the IV Compatibility tool in Micromedex. 2 pages
Use the IV Compatibility Education Deck to inform your staff about the 2024 updates and enhancements to the IV Compatibility tool. Feel free to use this resource in your learning management systems, lunch & learns, or other educational outreach activities. 12 pages
Drug ID
This tutorial highlights the features and general functionality in the Drug Identification tool, and is ideal for all users. Topics include navigating and using the Drug ID tool to identify drugs and pharmaceutical tablets, caplets, and capsules by physical characteristics such as shape, color, pattern, or imprint code.
Duration: 5 minutes
Drug Comparison
This tutorial highlights the exclusive features and functionality in the Drug Comparison tool, and is ideal for all users. Topics include navigating the Drug Comparison tool, and using the tool to view and compare attributes of multiple medications side-by-side.
Duration: 4 minutes
Tox & Drug Product Lookup
This tutorial covers the features and functionality in the Tox & Product Lookup Tool, and is ideal for new users. Topics include searching tips withing the Tox & Product Lookup Tool, and navigating through the toxicological results page.
Duration: 8 minutes
Find out more about POISINDEX® with this informative product fact sheet. 3 pages
Use this Micromedex Toxicology Tips and Tricks as a refresher for seasoned users, or help with training new users when using the Tox & Drug Product Lookup tool in Micromedex. 6 pages
The POISINDEX® Company Form may be used to submit new or updated manufacturer contact information for publication in POISINDEX. 2 pages
The POISINDEX® New Product Information Form may be used to submit new products, or product updates, for publication in POISINDEX. 3 pages
This video demonostrates how to use the expanded calculator suite avaialble in Micromedex.
Duration: 7 minutes
Micromedex Quick Reference Guide
This reference guide provides Micromedex keyword search suggestions, and Micromedex Assistant shortcuts.
5 pages
Micromedex Editorial Process
This document outlines processes employed by Micromedex Editorial teams to ensure delivery of accurate, evidence-based content across all Micromedex content sets.
3 pages
The Micromedex Conflict of Interest Policy outlines procedures employed by Editorial Staff to maintain the credibility and integrity of Micromedex content and clinical recommendations.
4 pages