Micromedex Training Center

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Resources for physicians

This video demonstration covers the general functionality, features and tools found in Micromedex, and is ideal for physicians.

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Tips and tricks

Use this guide as a 'cheat sheet' designed for Physicians using Micromedex

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Micromedex tools & applications

Please explore below.

Drug Interactions

This scenario-based tutorial guides you through how to use the Micromedex Drug Interactions tool. Duration: 7 minute

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This document outlines the policy and procedures employed by Micromedex Editorial teams to identify clinically relevant drug interactions and develop evidence-based content for inclusion in Micromedex content sets and screening tools. The Micromedex approach seeks to balance delivering robust referential information with actionable recommendations to reduce alert fatigue in direct patient care environments.

3 pages

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This video demonostrates how to use the expanded calculator suite avaialble in Micromedex. Duration: 7 minutes

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