Merative ™ Social Program Management iFix8

Release Notes


Merative Social Program Management iFix8 Release Notes


System Requirements
Improvements, Resolved Issues, Third Party Updates
Known Issues


Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management iFix8 release.

This is a cumulative release which incorporates the Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third-Party Updates contained in all previous interim fix releases. Details of these Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third-Party Updates are included separately in the release notes for each of the previous interim fix releases. For the latest version of the release notes, see

Full product documentation can be found in the Merative Documentation.

System Requirements

For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.


See the download instructions for this release at /support/spm.


Before running the installer please ensure all files in your Merative Social Program Management installation are writable.

The installation steps are as follows:

Additional installation instructions can be found in the Development Environment Installation Guide.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Guide describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.

To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/spm.

Improvements, Resolved Issues, Third Party Updates

Curam Enterprise Framework

Third Party Updates

Curam Enterprise Framework

DT036279, WorkItem:125355 - Date Picker converts input to incorrect dates

Issue Description:

If a caseworker manually enters a date in an incorrect format, the date entered gets automatically converted to a date in the correct format and may result in an incorrect date getting entered.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Open the Register person modal.
  3. Enter an incorrect date for example 1.2 in the Date Of Birth date picker.
  4. Issue: The input is changed to 01.02.2022 and there is no format validation.


When a date is entered in an incorrect format a validation message is displayed.

DT036278, WorkItem:125648 - Microsoft Word does not open with the Merative Social Program Management File Edit feature on Chrome if AppData and Local AppData don't share the same parent folder.

Issue Description:

Microsoft Word fails to launch for users on Chrome that have a remote Appdata folder and a default Local Appdata folder setting on their profile.

User Interface Impact: No.


  1. Windows user profile configured to have a remote Appdata folder and a default Local Appdata folder.
  2. Install Microsoft Word.
  3. Install a supported (supported for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  4. Install Google Chrome.
  5. Install and enable the Merative Social Program Management File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store
  6. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative Social Program Management Client Development Environment.
  7. Log in as a system administrator.
  8. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  9. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  10. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  11. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the subcategory to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Navigate to a Person home page.
  3. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  4. Click the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  5. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  6. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  7. The Word File Edit Screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  8. Issue: Microsoft Word fails to launch and an error message appears on screen after the almost ready message is displayed.


A new Word Integration Bridge installer has been released to address the issue when user configured to have a remote Appdata folder and a default Local Appdata folder.

Third Party Updates

WorkItem:125554 - New File Edit Native Messaging Bridge extension required for use with the Word Integration Assistant

Social Program Management uses a Google Chrome browser extension that enables users to edit Microsoft Word documents through the application. Google is updating its extension platform from Manifest Version 2 (MV2) to Manifest Version 3 (MV3) and the changes will impact all Social Program Management customers that use the Word editing feature in a Chrome-based browser.

Customers must update browsers and roll out the new extension to all clients that use the Word Integration Assistant for editing Word documents in SPM. The Google Chrome MV2 support timeline states that from January 2023, MV2 extensions will no longer run in Chrome.

The following steps need to be completed on each client environment:

  1. Update the user’s browser to Chrome version 104 or Edge version 104 or later.
  2. Install the "SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge" extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Update the Merative Social Program Management Word Integration installer to use the version included with the interim fix.

The new version of the Merative Social Program Management Word Integration installer is delivered in this interim fix at the following location:

Known Issues

See the Known Issues section in the release notes.


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".

Document Information

More support for:
Merative Social Program Management

Software version:

Operating system(s):
Linux, Windows

Modified date:
19 September 2022