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Merative ™ Social Program Management Refresh Pack

Release Notes


Merative Social Program Management Refresh Pack Release Notes


Important Note
System Requirements
Pre-Installation Steps
Post-Installation Steps
Improvements, Known Issues, and Third Party Updates

Important Note

This is the first Refresh Pack release for Merative Social Program Management.


Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management Refresh Pack release. Read this document to find important installation information, and to learn about product improvements and resolved issues in this release.

This Refresh Pack release also includes optional new features:

  • Enhanced Universal Access functionality
  • Smart Navigator
  • Concurrent Eligibility

For detailed information about these optional new features, see the What's new in Version Refresh Pack topic in the product documentation.

For more information about version Refresh Pack, see the full product documentation in documentation.

For the latest version of the release notes, see

A CSV file is attached which summarizes these release notes.

This Refresh Pack release incorporates content from previous 7.0.X releases, which is documented separately in the following sets of online release notes:

System Requirements

For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.


See the download instructions for this release at /support/curam.

Pre-Installation Steps

WorkItem:230244 - Pre-Installation Step for Smart Navigator Component

You must add the SmartNavigator component to the Components List.

Before running the installer, add the following to the InstalledComponents.xml, in the /IBM/Curam/Development/Installer folder:

<component version="IntelligentSearch" name="SmartNavigator" packName="Smart Navigator" />


This Refresh Pack release can be installed on top of the following Merative Social Program Management releases:

  • iFix1
  • iFix2
  • iFix3

Prior to running the Refresh Pack installer please ensure all files in your Merative Social Program Management installation are writable.

The installation steps are as follows:

  • Extract the contents of the zip file to a local drive location.
  • Run the Merative Social Program Management installer, which can be found in the INSTALLER folder at that location.
  • After installing, the appropriate build targets must be run as necessary for your installation.

Additional installation instructions can be found in the Development Environment Installation Guide.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Guide describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.

To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/spm.

Post-Installation Steps

WorkItem:230246 - Post-Installation Step for Smart Navigator Component

You must add the SmartNavigator Component to the Components Order.

For the or SetEnvironment.bat, add SmartNavigator as the last component to Server/Client component Order.

For the deployment_packaging.xml, add SmartNavigator, as the second last component (core component should be last), for the Merative Social Program Management ear.

Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates

Third Party Updates

WorkItem:197116 - Introduce support for Oracle

Merative Social Program Management now supports Oracle This means that for the Merative SPM release, both (and future fix packs) and (and future fix packs) are supported versions of the Oracle database.

WorkItem:217827 - Upgrade Adobe Flash Player to the latest version

The version of the Adobe Flash Player that has been certified to be used by the Social Program Management (SPM) application has been updated to 29.

WorkItem:217829 - Update Browser Plugins JRE levels used in Microsoft Word Integration.

The following JRE levels for Word Integration are supported for this release:

  • JRE 1.7 u80
  • JRE 1.8 u171

WorkItem:217832 - Browser Support Update

The following browser versions have been updated and certified for this release:

Case Worker Application Browser Support

  • Google Chrome updated to 66
  • Microsoft Edge updated to 41

Universal Access Application Browser Support

  • Google Chrome updated to 66
  • Mozilla Firefox updated to 59
  • Microsoft Edge updated to 41

WorkItem:222370 - Tablet Accessibility Support - Certify Apple VoiceOver with Chrome 66 on iOS 11.3

The certified version of Apple VoiceOver has been updated to iOS 11.3. This has been certified against Chrome 66.

WorkItem:222563 - Update the Oracle translator and runtime JAR files to be 12.2 compatible versions

The Oracle translator and runtime 12 JAR files are both utilized by the SPM infrastructure when running the "checkSQL" command line option to check SQL syntax, portability and semantics

These JARs have now been updated to the versions compatible with Oracle 12.2.
As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made in the JDE deliverable.

  • CuramSDEJ\drivers\translator.jar - JAR updated to be Oracle 12.2 compatible.
  • CuramSDEJ\drivers\runtime12.jar - JAR updated to be Oracle 12.2 compatible.

WorkItem:223251 - Update version of apache-log4j-extras to 1.2.17

The version of Apache Log4j Extras used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.2.17.

WorkItem:223279 - Update the version of bcel.jar to 6.1

The version of Apache Commons BCEL used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 5.2 to 6.1.

WorkItem:223359 - Update the version of commons-validator.jar to 1.6

Apache Commons Validator provides the building blocks for both client side validation and server side data validation. The version of Apache Commons Validator used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 1.1.3 to 1.6.

WorkItem:223361 - Update the version of cglib-nodep.jar to 3.2.5

The version of cglib-nodep.jar used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 2.2.3 to 3.2.5.

WorkItem:223362 - Update version of commons-net.jar to 3.6

Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations. The version of Apache Commons Net used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 3.2 to 3.6.

WorkItem:223369 - Update the version of javassist to 3.22.0-GA.jar

Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java.
The version of Javaassist used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 3.13.17.GA to 3.22.0-GA.

WorkItem:223377 - Update the version of compass.jar to 2.2.0

The version of compass.jar used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded to 2.2.0.

WorkItem:223378 - Update commons-jxpath.jar from 1.2 to 1.3

The version of commons-jxpath.jar used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 1.2 to 1.3.

WorkItem:224195 - Update WSDL4J.jar to 1.6.3

The Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit (of WSDL4J) allows the creation, representation, and manipulation of WSDL documents. The version of WSDL4J.jar used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 1.6.2 to 1.6.3.

WorkItem:228193 - Update the version of the Jackson JARS delivered in the JDE to be 2.9.5

The Jackson API contains multiple functions to read and build JSON using Java. It has very powerful data binding capabilities and provides a framework to serialize custom Java objects to JSON strings and deserialize JSON strings back into Java objects. The Java Development Environment (JDE) utilizes these utilities in both the Server and Client Development environments.
The version of this JAR has now been updated from 2.2.3 to the latest 2.9.x version which is 2.9.5.
As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made in the JDE deliverable.

  • CuramSDEJ\lib\ - version of the specified JARs updated.
  • CuramSDEJ\lib\jackson-annotations.jar - replaced with new version
  • CuramSDEJ\lib\jackson-core.jar - replaced with new version
  • CuramSDEJ\lib\jackson-databind.jar - replaced with new version
  • CuramCDEJ\lib\ext\jar\jackson-annotations-2.9.5.jar - new JAR added.
  • CuramCDEJ\lib\ext\jar\jackson-core-2.9.5.jar - new JAR added.
  • CuramCDEJ\lib\ext\jar\jackson-databind-2.9.5.jar - new JAR added.
  • CuramCDEJ\lib\ext\jar\jackson-annotations-2.2.3.jar - old JAR removed.
  • CuramCDEJ\lib\ext\jar\jackson-core-2.2.3.jar - old JAR removed.
  • CuramCDEJ\lib\ext\jar\jackson-databind-2.2.3.jar - old JAR removed.

Cúram Enterprise Framework

Dynamic Evidence

WorkItem:225017 - Remove functionality that provides the ability to correct a dynamic evidence configuration

Issue Description:

The ability to correct attribute descriptions and labels for a Dynamic Evidence Type configuration is no longer supported. For more information, refer to the following tech note /support/spm/flashes/announcing-removal-of-dynamic-evidence-corrections-feature.

Technical Services

PO04219, WorkItem:124832 - Batch Streams will crash when exceptions are thrown during the commit of a database transaction

Issue Description

Batch streams will crash if an exception is thrown at the call to commit() method in The error logging is handled incorrectly.
**User Interface Impact:**No
Steps to Reproduce

This issue was reproduced internally by simulating conditions that trigger an exception during the BatchStreamHelper commit processing in a test environment.


This has been resolved by enhancing the error handling and logging in the Batch Streaming processing.

WorkItem:222059 - Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request for Rest API's

Issue Description:

Due to browsers Same-Origin policy, cross domain resource sharing is generally restricted by many browsers. This means when a page loaded on to the browser from Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application page deployed on a HTTP Server installed on a domain, tries to request the REST services deployed on an application server installed on a different domain, the browser will display Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) error.
This issue only occurs when Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application and its backend REST services are deployed on different machines.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Deploy Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application on a Web Server deployed on a machine/domain.
  2. Deploy REST services that are required for Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application to function on an application server on a different machine/domain.
  3. Load a page from Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application on to the browser and try to navigate through the pages that call the server ex: Apply for benefits page
  4. The browser will fail to load the page.


To enable Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), the HTTP responses from the application server where the REST services are deployed need to have the HTTP header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’ in place along with the domain of HTTP Server on which Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application is deployed.

To facilitate the functionality of adding the HTTP header for CORS, a new string property has been introduced. This property takes a comma-separated list of allowed origins (domains where HTTP Servers are installed) so that Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests from these origins are successful. must contain the domain or partial domain of the app that is trying to access the REST APIs. For example, if the Merative Universal Access Responsive Web Application is deployed to, then you must add '' or ''as a value for For development purposes, if the app is running on a Node.js server on localhost, then you must add 'localhost' to

For CORS requests, the REST toolkit automatically examines the value that is contained in the 'origin' request header, which the browser sets automatically, and compares it to the values stored in If the values match, the necessary response headers that are needed to allow the CORS request to proceed are added to the response. If the values do not match, the browser automatically fails the CORS request because the required response headers are not included.
This property is not required for mobile apps.



PO07433, WorkItem:209530 - Validation Error on implementing the example in the Appendix of AdvisorConfigurationGuide

Issue Description:

The ruleset validation error 'Problem resolving type: The rule class '[Rule Class Name]' could not be found.' was showing when rule class attribute type is set to rule class list. This does not allow the creation of rule class attribute of list type.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to Application Administration.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the Administration Workspace area, select "Rules and Evidence".
  3. Select the "Cúram Express Rule Sets" link.
  4. From the Action menu, select New to create a new rule set.
  5. Name the rule set SpouseRuleSet and click the Save button. Assign the rule set to a category if appropriate.
  6. In the Cúram Express Rule Sets tab, search for the newly created SpouseRuleSet.
  7. In the Actions menu for the SpouseRuleSet , select Continue Editing. This will open a new tab link containing the CER Editor.
  8. From the Rule Class menu item, create a new class called SpouseAdvice.
  9. In the Properties tab, click the Edit link beside the Extends field.
  10. Use the Change link to let the SpouseAdvice rule class extend AbstractAdviceContext within the CoreAdvisorRuleSet.
  11. From the Attribute menu item, create the following new attributes for the SpouseAdviceRuleClass: concernRoleID, adviceContextID, advice, and description in the SpouseAdvice rule class.
  12. Set the Data Type field for each new attribute. For the concernRoleID attribute, set the Data Type field to be NumberParameter from the CoreAdvisorRuleSet. For the adviceContextID attribute, set the Data Type field to be Number. For the advice attribute, set the Data Type field to be List of AbstractAdviceItem in the CoreAdvisorRuleSet. For the description attribute, set the Data Type field to be Message.
  13. Save and validate the rule set within the CER Editor.


****This is now resolved by updating the editor to correctly handle validations of this type. Rule class validation with attributes of rule class list types no longer triggers any errors and ruleset updates can be successfully saved and published.

Integrated Case Management

PO06157, WorkItem:153489 - The word 'expression' is not displayed in the 'Last Update' column in the Notes list page

Issue Description:

Previously, when a note contained the word 'expression', the word 'expression' was missing in the 'Last Updated' column, in the notes list page. This was as a result of the word 'expression' being a reserved word.
User Interface Impact: No
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker.
  2. Open any person home page.
  3. Open Client Contact tab - Notes.
  4. Create a new note. Set note text to 'expression'.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The word 'expression' is not displayed in the Last Updated column of a Note.


This issue has been resolved. Now when a user creates a note with the word 'expression', the word 'expression' is present in the 'Last Updated' column in the notes list page.

PO06513, WorkItem:170336 - The description associated with an evidence event is preceded with a hyphen in the Transaction History page on an Application case

Issue Description:

When evidence is updated, activated, added on a case, a transaction log entry is created to indicate to the user, what has changed. For example, when evidence is activated on an integrated case, the user would see an entry in the Transaction History screen that displays the name of the case the evidence was changed on, the reference number of that case, what changed (e.g. 'evidence added') and the name of the person the evidence was added against. As an example, this would display as: <Case name> - <Case ref number> Evidence added for <Person Name>. A populated example would be 'Social Assistance - 257 Evidence added for Joe Bloggs'. However if the case type the evidence was added/activated/updated on was an application case type, the name of the case was not being displayed. This resulted in the description showing only the hyphen followed by the action and person name e.g - Evidence added for Joe Bloggs. This causes confusion as the hyphen is an indicator that information is missing and users were not getting the full context of the transaction i.e. the case it was associated with.
User Interface Impact: Yes
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker.
  2. Register a Person.
  3. Create a new Application Case.
  4. Open the newly created Application Case.
  5. Select the Evidence tab.
  6. Add a new evidence to the case.
  7. Go to Administration tab.
  8. Locate the Transaction History.


This issue has been resolved. The description associated with the Evidence instance has been updated to include the label 'Application Case' prior to the hyphen.

PO06745, WorkItem:179810 - Last Update field of a note is blank if a word beginning with 'dir' is included in the note

Issue Description:

Previously, when the text in a note contained a word beginning with 'dir', the note text was not displayed in the 'Last Update' field in the notes list. This was as a result of incorrectly constructed HTML content in the HTML Text Helper class.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a case.
  2. Go to Contact and select Note.
  3. From 'New' select Note. Enter any sample text in the note and save.
  4. Edit the Note. Enter sample text "Customer contacted me indirectly.". Save the note.
  5. Notice that the Last Update field of the note is populated with the update.
  6. Edit note again this time using "Customer contacted me directly.". Save the note.
  7. Notice that the Last Update field of the note is empty this time.


The Last Update field is now correctly populated when a note modification contains a word starting with the letters 'dir'.

PO07580, WorkItem:217526 - Sporadic email validation failures

Issue Description:

Previously, sporadic validation errors were thrown when creating an instance of a valid email address. Onsite investigation reported the use of an older version of commons-validator. The steps below, outline the scenario where the validation errors were thrown. However, the issue reported was sporadic and difficult to reproduce.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Register a person.
  3. Select the Evidence tab.
  4. Select New Evidence.
  5. Select New Email Address, and click Add.
  6. Enter the test email address " [email protected] ".


The version of commons-validator.jar has been updated to 1.6. For more information, refer to the Third Party Updates section.

PO07607, WorkItem:220393 - Email address truncated in employer context panel

Issue Description:

Previously, an email address on Employer context panel was being truncated and not clearly visible. As a result, users were forced to navigate unnecessarily to the Email address under the Contacts tab to view the full address.

User Interface Impact: Yes.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register an Employer
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the Email link and add a new long email address such as [email protected]


This issue has now been resolved. However, where the screen resolution is very low or the email address is unusually long, the email address will still truncate. When truncation does occur, it is still possible to copy the email address by right clicking it and selecting the "Copy Email Address" action.


PO04101, PO04110, WorkItem:122833 - Improve the documentation for the usage of the "processingDate" parameter within the Batch Processes

Issue Description:

In the Documentation , the documentation for the "Reassess Outstanding Cases" batch process did not provide enough information about the 'Reassess Outstanding Cases' batch process, specifically its usage of the "processingDate" parameter.
**User Interface Impact: **No (Documentation change only)

**Steps to Reproduce:**N/A (not an application change)


The documentation has now been updated to provide more information about the "Reassess Outstanding Cases" batch process and how the process uses the optional "processingDate" parameter.
For information about the "ReassessOutstandingCases" batch process, see

The "Batch Parameters and Processing Date" topic in the "Core Batch Processes" section has also been updated to provide more information about the "processingDate" parameter. For more information see:

PO06914, WorkItem:211387 - Thread Safety issue when loading CER caches

Issue Description:

The CER engine caches rules at runtime, the cache utilizes lazy loading and is shared by the threads in each Java VM. Previously, there was an intermittent issue whereby threads in the application server could enter a 'Stuck' state. This could occur during a CER calculation such as case reassessment.

In the event of two or more threads attempting to initialize the same ruleset within a very small space of time, it was found to be possible for these threads to attempt to load the same ruleset into the cache concurrently. This meant that multiple threads attempted to update the same HashSet or HashMap at the same time.

When this occurred, the stack trace for the stuck thread would include java.util.HashMap.put(...) or java.util.HashSet.add(...) and one of the following CER classes:

  • curam.creole.ruleitem.RuleSetImpl
  • curam.creole.ruleitem.RuleClassImpl
  • curam.creole.ruleitem.RuleAttributeImpl

**User Interface Impact: **No\

Steps to Reproduce:

The multithreaded asynchronous nature of this problem meant that it could not be consistently reproduced on demand. It was most likely to occur in conditions where multiple threads in a Java VM would attempt to load the same parts of the Ruleset cache during a CER calculation such as a case reassessment.


Now, the point at which the CER cache is loaded/updated has been made synchronized. This prevents threads from loading the same ruleset into the cache concurrently.
In addition, the usage of HashMap in the affected classes has been replaced with its threadsafe equivalent - ConcurrentHashMap - and likewise with HashSet.

PO07685, WorkItem:226392 - Data does not propagate correctly under specific custom implementations of the PopulateSuccessionSetRuleObjectHook hook

Issue Description:
An issue existed in the propagation process whereby data was not propagated in very specific circumstance. This can only arise in the situation where there is a custom implementation of the PopulateSuccessionSetRule
ObjectHook hook class, in particular, the calculateEffectiveDate API. If this API returns a non-null effective date which is earlier than the succession lifetime of the evidence in question, then that evidence instance was not propagated.

This problem arose on our Insurance Affordability solution where there is a specific implementation of the above hook point dealing with newborns, and this issue was specific to newborn evidence when those newborns were added after the case start date with a date of birth equal to the case participant role start date and the evidence was added at a date later than the newborn's date of birth.

User Interface Impact: No
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as hcrcaseworker.
  2. Submit an Insurance Affordability application with 1 adult member.
  3. Move the system date one day forward.
  4. Register a newborn child with the same date of birth as the date in step 3.
  5. Add the newborn child using Guided Wizard into the household.
  6. Specify the date reported date in which the member is added to the household as the date in step 3.
  7. Set the newborn child as the 'child' of the first case member.
  8. Set the newborn child as being 'tax dependent' the first member.
  9. Move the system date 3 months forward.
  10. Add a new Income Record of $6000, of type wages, for the newborn.
  11. Clear verifications and apply changes.
  12. Check the determination split for when the new born was added on to the case, navigate to Income tab.
  13. The newborn child's income was not counted in household’s income from the date specified in step 6.


The propagation process has been updated to properly handle the situation where an effective date earlier than the start of a succession set lifetime has been returned from a custom implementation of the PopulateSuccessionSetRuleObjectHook.calculate
EffectiveDate API.

PO07778, WorkItem:229601 - The Global Cache document needs to be updated to provide more information about the '"timeToLive" and the "timeToIdle" parameters

Issue Description:

The documentation for the "Global Cache" did not provide enough information about the parameters "timeToLive" and the "timeToIdle". The purpose was clear, but not the behavior of these parameters.
User Interface Impact: No (documentation change only)

Steps to Reproduce:
N/A (not an application change)


The documentation has now been updated to provide clear information about the '"timeToLive" and the "timeToIdle" parameters.

For information about the "timeToLive" and the "timeToIdle" parameters, see the following topics:


PO05745, WorkItem:142821 - Approval Status is missing in Evidence

Issue Description:

In the case where a user configuration is set to require 100% approval for all evidence types and new evidence is added to the case, an issue is seen in the "In Edit Evidence" section of the case, where the approval status is blank and not 'Submitted' as expected.

User Interface Impact:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as admin.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the Administration Workspace, select "Users".
  3. Select the link "User Search", and search for "super user".
  4. In the superuser Workspace select "Approval Checks" and then "Evidence".
  5. Select "New" and in the "New Temporal Evidence Approval" modal set Percentage = 100 and tick "Applies to all Evidence Types".
  6. Login as a caseworker.
  7. Search for a person on the system and from the person home page, select New Case and Create Integrated case.
  8. Add an evidence to the case.
  9. Select Apply Changes and select Apply changes to the evidence.
  10. An informational message is displayed showing "No evidence changes were applied. There are changes that need to be manually approved before evidence can be applied successfully."
  11. On the In Edit evidence tab, expand the evidence record and note the value of the 'Approval Status' field.


****This issue has been resolved. Now, the Approval Status displays the value "Submitted". This issue was resolved by replacing a check guarding against retrieving the status of the latest approval request for an item of evidence. Now we will always check for the existence of the latest approval request.

PO07614, WorkItem:222351 - Records on the ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE table were not created for a product using classic rules

Issue Description:

An issue was identified where the ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE table was not written to for a product using Classic Rules. Data on the table ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE is required by products using Classic Rules only, it is not used by Curam Express Rules. An AttributedEvidence record is used by Classic Rules to indicate the period of applicability for a particular evidence record. Without this record, the evidence may be excluded from eligibility and entitlement calculations, which could impact the eligibility result.

**Note: **For customers using the SPM Income Support Solutions for Insurance Affordability Programs, Cash Assistance, Food Assistance, Medical Assistance, these programs use CER rulesets so are not impacted by this issue.**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In Admin, setup an integrated case and product delivery within that integrated case, which will use Classic Rules
  2. Configure an evidence type for this integrated case, ensure the product delivery case on the integrated case is configured to use this evidence type
  3. Ensure the evidence type being added allow a case to become eligible when added to the case.
  4. Register a person and create an integrated case of this type for the person, add evidence to the integrated case and activate
  5. Create a product delivery case, add a certification and activate product.
  6. A record should exist on the AttributedEvidence table for this evidence record but it was previously missing
  7. Check Eligibility of the product.
  8. Verify the eligibility result is correctly calculated.


This issue has now been resolved. The table ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE is correctly updated when evidence is captured on an integrated case, where the product is configured to use Classic Rules.

Administration Suite

PO07714, WorkItem:226406 - Unhandled server exception while trying to edit ROLE name

Issue Description:

Previously, an unhandled server exception was raised when attempting to rename a user security role that did not have any users assigned to it.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as sysadmin.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the System Configurations, select "Security".
  3. Select the link "Roles".
  4. Click 'New'.
  5. Enter "TEST" as Name for new Role.
  6. Perform a search for "TEST", from the action menu, select "Edit Name..."
  7. Input the value "TESTX" in the Name field in the Edit Name popup.
  8. Click 'Save'.


This issue has been resolved. The Application now handles the scenario where no users are found during the "role name modify" operation and the action is saved without an exception occurring.

Application Development Environment


PO05711, WorkItem:142349 - Word integration does not work on IE 11 with Java 8 JRE 51

Issue Description:

Previously, an error was thrown when users were saving a Microsoft Word communication from the Person home, or on an Integrated Case.
**User Interface Impact: **No
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a Person.
  2. Click on the Contact tab.
  3. Click on the Communications link.
  4. Select "New Microsoft Word" from the action menu.
  5. Complete the information on the first page.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Complete the information on the second page.
  8. Click Save.


This issue is no longer reproducible. Microsoft Word works as expected on Internet Explorer version 11 using the latest version of Java 8.

WorkItem:219662 - Optimal Browser feature changes in the configuration properties

Issue Description:

The Optimal Browser is the optional feature by which users can be notified when they are not using the optimal version of a supported web browser. The minimum and maximum optimal browser versions for Edge and Safari have been changed in the
User Interface Impact: No
**Steps to Reproduce:**N/A


The default values for the maximum and minimum optimal browser support for Edge and Safari now default to 0 and are not enabled out of the box. These properties should be updated to reflect the current minimum and maximum supported versions when being configured. These properties are also commented out by default. This should be undone when the properties are set.


WorkItem:193165 - Tablet Accessibility: When using Apple VoiceOver, a user was unable to navigate to a sub-menu item.

Issue Description:

Previously, when using Apple VoiceOver, a user was not able to navigate to sub-menu items.

**User Interface Impact: **No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Turn on Apple VoiceOver.
  2. Login to the Merative Social program Management application as Admin.
  3. Navigate to the Outcome Management section, select the Factors shortcut.
  4. If a Factor does not exist, create one.
  5. Select a Factor from the list.
  6. Select the Actions menu.
  7. Select the Recommend item in the Action menu.
  8. The user is unable to navigate to the sub-menu items.


This has been resolved. Now when Apple VoiceOver is on, the user can navigate to and select a sub-menu item.

WorkItem:193395 - Tablet Accessibility: Shortcut Navigation is not read out correctly using Apple VoiceOver

Issue Description:

Previously when using an iPad with Apple VoiceOver enabled, the screen reader was reading out shortcuts menu items that were not displayed on the screen.User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker.
  2. Select Case and Outcomes workspace.
  3. Expand Shortcuts.
  4. Select Searches and tab through the content (from Person, employer etc down to Provider Group) then continue through Registration and click through the content (from Person to Services Supplier ).
  5. Then Select Searches again (at this point Registration will close and Searches will open).


The issue has been resolved and the screen reader will no longer read collapsed menu items from the shortcut panel.

WorkItem:193600 - Tablet Accessibility: Phone and email images from Context Panel are not read out with Apple VoiceOver screen reader on iPad tablet.

Issue Description:

Phone and email images from the person's Context Panel are not read out by the VoiceOver screen reader, so it's not obvious to the user what the 'Not Recorded' text refers to.
User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a person with no email or phone number.
  2. Use VoiceOver to read through the Person, context panel.
  3. Images for phone and email are not read out.


The images for email and phone are now read out by VoiceOver when navigating to the person's Context Panel

WorkItem:193790 - Tablet Accessibility: When using Apple VoiceOver on Universal Access, the separator between the words "Standard View" and "High Contrast View" was incorrectly interpreted as a link

Issue Description:

Previously, when using the tablet and VoiceOver on the Universal Access landing page, the separator between the words "Standard View" and "High Contrast View" was incorrectly interpreted as a link.User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the Universal Access landing page.
  2. Turn on Apple VoiceOver.
  3. Tab through the Universal Access page.
  4. Tab into the Standard View dropdown.
  5. Apple VoiceOver will read out the separator beside the dropdown as a link.


This has been resolved. Now when Apple VoiceOver is on, the reader ignores the separator between the words "Standard View" and "High Contrast View" on the Universal Access Landing page.

WorkItem:193798 - Tablet Accessibility: IEG field level help buttons not showing help pop up.

Issue Description:

When the user navigates through an IEG script using a tablet with Apple VoiceOver enabled, the focus cannot be moved to the help button preventing the opening of the pop up with help information.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Turn on Apple Voice-Over and tab through the page.
  2. Log into HCR application.
  3. Register Person and start new Application.
  4. On the first page with applicant details try to open help icon beside a field for Example First Name.


This issue has been resolved and the help information pop up can now be displayed while running IEG script using tablet and voiceover.

WorkItem:193847 - Tablet Accessibility : CPM Incident and CPM Provider Group Context Panels missing labels being called out for email and phone number.

Issue Description:

In Childwelfare application on context panels of Provider and Incident pages "phone number" and "email address" are not called out by Voice Over in iOS.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. login as Childwelfare application manager.
  2. From Shortcuts panel select Providers -> My Providers.
  3. Select the link for Test Provider1.
  4. Enable voice over.
  5. Using gestures or keyboard commands navigate to the phone \ email section on the page.
  6. The voice over does not say "phone number" and "email address" while going through the section.


Previously the voice over did not say "phone number" and "email address" while going through the icons on the Provider page, this has now been resolved.

Technical Details:

Two new hidden divs (one for phone number and another for email address) were added to context panels of the Provider page and Incident page. These divs were added to and classes via addlocalisableStringItem(..) method available from ContentPanelBuilder class.

WorkItem:210785 - Tablet Accessibility: When using Apple VoiceOver, the cursor did not align with the content displayed in the Sharing Configurations page

Issue Description:

Previously, when using a tablet with Apple VoiceOver turned on, the cursor did not align with the table items listed in the Sharing Configuration page.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to the Merative Social Program Management application as Admin.
  2. Turn on Apple VoiceOver.
  3. Navigate to the Shortcuts section, select "Rules and Evidence", and then the "Evidence Sharing" link.
  4. The page contains a list of all evidence sharing configurations within the product.
  5. Tab through the page.
  6. The Apple VoiceOver cursor is not aligned with the table elements on the screen.


This has been resolved. Now when Apple VoiceOver is on, the cursor now aligns with table elements present.

PO07661, WorkItem:223918 - Browser tab title did not change after last application tab is closed

Issue Description:

Previously, the tab name on the browser did not change when the last application tab was closed.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as admin.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the Cases and Outcomes, select "Searches".
  3. Select the link "Person...", and then "Case..." to open two application tabs - "Person Search" and "Case Search".
  4. Close the "Case Search" tab and see if the name of the browser tab changes to "Person Serch".
  5. Close the "Person Search" tab and see if the name of the browser tab changes to "Cases and Outcomes".


This issue has now been resolved. The tab name on the browser is updated to application section name when the tab navigation is closed.

PO07702, WorkItem:225963 - JAWS and VoiceOver do not alert what results are generated by a search

Issue Description:

JAWS and VoiceOver screen readers do not alert what results were generated by a search, unless you keep clicking Tab/Shift Tab to reach the results.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as ccsintakeworker with a screen reader enabled.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the Intake, select "Search".
  3. Select the link "Person", and search for person.
  4. Note that the search results are not read out.


Screen readers will now read how many records are found in a search performed by the user.

WorkItem:226967 - Tablet Accessibility: Expand/Collapse and Actions items in table headers are called out when Apple VoiceOver is enabled.

Issue Description:

When using the tablet with Apple VoiceOver enabled, the screen reader will call out and highlight expand/collapse and action items while reading out the table headers.User Interface Impact: No
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as admin.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the Administration Workspace, select "Rules and Evidence".
  3. Select the link "Evidence Sharing".
  4. When the main 'Sharing Configurations' page opens, check to see that it is populated with configurations.
  5. Turn on Apple Voice-Over and tab through the page.
  6. Notice that the Voice-Over cursor calls out and highlights the Expand/Collapse and Actions items in the Table header


This has been resolved and now Apple Voice-Over works as expected is this scenario.


PO07622, WorkItem:221279 - Update the "Applications" section of the Cúram web client reference guide to remove incorrect information about setting "logo-required" to false

Issue Description:

Previously, the "Applications" section of the Merative Social Program Management Web Client Reference Guide contained incorrect information regarding the setting of the "logo-required" attribute. Since the Version user interface upgrade, by default the logo is not displayed and therefore this information is no longer applicable.

User Interface Impact: No (documentation change only)

Steps to Reproduce:
N/A (not an application change)


The documentation for the "Applications" section of the Cúram web client reference guide has been updated to remove the incorrect information regarding the setting of the "logo-required" attribute to false.

For more information, see the Application definition documentation at:

PO07672, WorkItem:224593 - The list sorting is incorrect since the user interface refresh

Issue Description:

Prior to sorting a column in a sortable list, each evenly distributed row in the list will have a CSS class of "even" and each oddly distributed row will have a CSS class of "odd". After sorting the rows in the column, all row's CSS class was changed to "even". This is only an issue for customers who have customized the CSS to alternate the color of each row in a list (out of the box, the rows are not differentiated by colour). Because each row, when sorted was changed to "even" in the CSS class, this meant colors were not alternating.
User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as admin.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of the Administration Workspace, select "Rules and Evidence".
  3. Select the link "Non-Dynamic Evidence".
  4. Using the browser developer tools, inspect the HTML for a row in the list. This can be done by right clicking on a row, selecting Inspect or Inspect Element menu option and looking at the <tr> HTML element. The <tr> HTML element represents a row in the list.
  5. Verify that the CSS class of each <tr> HTML element in the list alternates between "odd" and "even".
  6. Click a column header to sort the list.
  7. Using the browser developer tools, inspect the HTML for a row in the list again.
  8. Verify that the CSS class of all the <tr> HTML elements has now been set to "even".


After sorting a column in a sortable list, each evenly distributed row in the list will have a CSS class of "even" and each oddly distributed row will have a CSS class of "odd".



WorkItem:170607 - The checksql target fails when run against the Oracle 12c database & Java 1.8

Issue Description:

An error occurred when the 'checkSQL' target was invoked against an Oracle 12c database using Java 1.8 with Merative SPM. The error highlighted a class not found exception when invoking the target. This error was caused due to the Oracle 12c database driver required for running this target not supporting Java 1.8 at that time.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

Run the "checkSQL" target under the above conditions.


Oracle released a version of the required drivers for Java 1.8 support. These have been taken on by the SPM product and the issue no longer appears when the "checkSQL" target is run.

Business Services


PO07650, WorkItem:227924 - Unable to open a word document if the Case Member field has not been selected

Issue Description:

An issue exists where a user is unable to download and open a Microsoft Word communication document that was created on a case. When creating a Microsoft Word communication document, a user has to select a correspondent and can also optionally select another case member in the "Case Member" field in the "Regarding" cluster if appropriate. If this optional case member was not selected, the document would still be created, however, the user would be unable to download or open it.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Register a person and create an Integrated Case.
  3. On the Integrated Case, click on the Contacts navigation tab and go to the Communication in-page navigation tab.
  4. Create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  5. During the creation process, select a case correspondent but don't specify a case member.
  6. An in-edit version of the document will appear which can be closed. This saves the document.
  7. Search for the communication and from the row-level actions menu, select the "Open Microsoft Word" menu item to download the document.


The Microsoft Word communication document creation process has been updated and the document can now be downloaded and opened when the optional case member has not been set.

Common Intake

PO04849, WorkItem:102181 - Application submission failing when application resumed and application date changed

Issue Description

Previously, when a caseworker resumed an application in the Income Support for Medical Assistance (Health Care Reform) solution that had been saved in the past and subsequently modified the application date to the current date, on submission, the application was getting stuck displaying a process instance error message.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login as hcrcaseworker and register a new person, on March 14th.
  2. Start a new application for this newly registered person from the person home page: Action Menu -> New Application. Notice that the Application date is pre-populated with March 14th.
  3. Enter some details in the application form, then Save & Exit.
  4. Come back to the application at a later date and resume it from Care and Protection->Applications->Pending Application Forms.
  5. Now change the Application date to the current date.
  6. Fill in the remaining details before submitting the application.
  7. A message displays the following "The Application Date is later than the Added Date for one or more of the associated programs on the application case."


Now, the resumed application is successfully submitted when the application date is changed to the current date.#

PO07013, WorkItem:191382 - Comments added during authorization of an application case are not stored

Issue Description:

Previously, when a user entered text in the comments field of the 'Authorize Program' modal on an Income Support for Medical Assistance (Health Care Reform) application, the comments could no longer be accessed on the Authorization page associated with that program. This was because the comments were not being stored.User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a person.
  2. Submit Insurance Affordability application and fill in all the required information.
  3. Authorize the application and add comments.
  4. Check under Programs - Insurance Affordability - Authorizations - Comments section.
  5. No comments are visible.


Comments that are entered during the application case authorization process are now stored and displayed within the Authorizations screen.

PO07626, WorkItem:221786 - An unnecessary JavaScript call in a UIM file resulted in errors appearing in the console

Issue Description:

Previously a Java script error was appearing in the console due to a call to a function that did not exist.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the browser console.
  2. Open the CommonIntake_applicationCaseSearch page.
  3. Java script error appeared when calling a non existent function.


The call to the function has now been removed.

Cúram Modules


PO06708,PO06260, WorkItem:178455 - Case level verifications on Person Evidence are not created on the Integrated Case Verification list when one or more household members are added to an Integrated Case via Common Intake

Issue Description

Previously, Case level verifications were not created on the Integrated Case Verification list page when one or more participants were added to the Integrated Case via the Common Intake Script. For example, where a person's date of birth, which is captured and maintained at person level but which has verification requirements for an integrated case, on adding the person to the integrated case via the Common Intake Script, the verifications list page on that integrated case was not updated to include a verification for date of birth.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login as admin.
  2. Select the "Verification" shortcut, select the “Configured Verifications” link.
  3. The SSN configuration is visible in the "Personal" Verification Category. Configure the existing Income Support SSN configuration to use the Identifications evidence which is Person level evidence, with this verification requirement configured to 'Apply To' the Income Support integrated case.
  4. Click on the "SSN" Configuration to view the Verifiable Data Item details.
  5. Select the "Edit" option from the Page Level Action menu.
  6. Change the “Evidence Type” field to use the “Identifications” evidence.
  7. The "Verification Requirement Usage" applies to an Income Support Integrated Case.
  8. Login as “eligibilityworker”.
  9. Register a Person without an SSN.
  10. From the action menu on the Person Home page, start a New Application.
  11. Submit an Income Support Application, for example, Cash Assistance.
  12. Add an SSN number for the primary applicant.
  13. Add a second person with an SSN Number to the application.
  14. When the application has been submitted, the Identifications Evidence has been created at the person level.
  15. This can be confirmed by checking the “Evidence” tab of each participant included in the application.
  16. From the Home tab at the Person level, open the newly created Income Support Integrated Case.
  17. Select the “Evidence” tab, and select the “Verifications” link.

Note If you are a customer who does not use the Income Support Solution but have applications designed on the Common Intake component, you can follow the same steps with your own custom common intake application script and instead on an SSN, use another form of identification which gets saved to Identifications evidence e.g. National Insurance Number. Note that verification against the person level Identifications evidence would need to be configured to apply to the integrated case level.


This issue has now been resolved. Verifications on person level evidence for all case participants are now created as expected on an Integrated Case.

Supervisor Workspace

PO07114, WorkItem:194964 - Participant records are incorrectly displayed in the Supervisor Workspace Reassign Case search screen

Issue Description:

Previously, when a Supervisor was reassigning cases in the Supervisor Workspace Application, some rows displayed in the search results displayed without any information in the Case Name column. This was because these records represented a person 'case' which the system was incorrectly retrieving in the search. A person 'case' is an underlying design concept that should not be presented to the user as a case and therefore should not have been retrieved and displayed in the results. Note if customers have not turned on the Person Evidence feature, this issue will not occur.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as supervisor.
  2. From the Shortcuts area of Team and Workloads, select "Users".
  3. Select the link "My Users".
  4. Select the user HCR CASEWORKER, or any user with cases.
  5. Select the Cases tab.
  6. Click the button "Reassign Cases".
  7. Select the tick box 'List all cases assigned to the user.


The issue is now resolved. Person 'case' types are no longer retrieved and displayed in the the Reassign Cases modal.

PO07184, WorkItem:196165 - The documentation does not clearly describe the behaviour of the user workload filter when the status is left blank

Issue Description:

Previously, the documentation for the 'Case List in the Supervisor Workspace' topic did not describe the behavior of the workload filter when the status field is blank.

**User Interface Impact: **No (documentation change only)

Steps to Reproduce:
N/A (not an application change)


The topic in documentation has now been updated to include information on the behavior of the workload filter. See

Universal Access

PO07718, WorkItem:226739 - Images associated with the menu item were not displayed in the Universal Access help menu.

Issue Description:

Previously, images associated with the menu item were not displayed in the help menu.

User Interface Impact:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open up the Merative Social program Management Universal Access homepage.
  2. Click on the help menu drop-down button on the top right of the page.


This issue has been resolved. Now, when a user views the banner-menu, an image is now displayed as part of each menu item in the help menu.

Intelligent Evidence Gathering

PO07691, WorkItem:225367 - IEG conditional question responses are not cleared even though the control question response is changed

Issue Description:

In pages within IEG scripts, the display of clusters can be controlled by the answer to a question on the screen, for example by selecting a particular value from a dropdown. Sometimes this control question can control more than one cluster on the screen. If the cluster containing this control question is hidden, then all other clusters which are controlled by this same question should also be hidden. Previously all clusters depending on a control question in another cluster were not being hidden correctly.
**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as hcrcaseworker.
  2. Open the HCR Cases and Outcomes tab.
  3. Open the toggle in the shortcuts menu labelled Registration.
  4. Click Person. The Register Person modal will open. Click Next.
  5. Enter details for any person and click Save. The person profile should open.
  6. Click on the Options menu and select New Application. The Before We Start modal should open.
  7. Tick the checkbox labelled "This person agrees to allow their information to be used for this application.".
  8. Click Next. Select No from the dropdown labelled "Do you have a fixed address?".
  9. Select No from the dropdown labelled "Are you a state resident?".
  10. Select Select Yes from the drop-down labelled "Do you have a fixed address?".

Note: If you are a customer that does not use the Healthcare Reform Solution, but have configured Intelligence Gathering Scripts as an Intake mechanism, you can reproduce this scenario by configuring an IEG Question Page within a script to contain two conditional clusters. The second conditional cluster, will open and close based on a value set within a dropdown contained within the first conditional cluster.

Non Healthcare Reform Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the first conditional cluster open to display the dropdown.
  2. Select a value in the dropdown, that will cause the second conditional dropdown to open.
  3. Close the first conditional cluster to hide the dropdown.


The conditional cluster that was controlled by the dropdown in the first conditional cluster will close. This issue has been resolved by unsetting the value of dropdown fields when the conditional cluster they are displayed within is hidden.

PO07725, WorkItem:225764 - Nested IEG Conditional Cluster not reopening

Issue Description:

In pages within IEG scripts, the display of clusters can be controlled by the answer to a question on the screen, for example by selecting a particular value from a dropdown. Sometimes this control question can control more than one cluster on the screen. If the cluster containing this control question is hidden, then all other clusters which are controlled by this same question should also be hidden. Also the values of any other control questions within these 'child' clusters should be unset. Previously the values in these 'child' clusters were not being unset which resulted in the clusters not reopening correctly once the 'parent' cluster with the control question was reopened.
User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as hcrcaseworker.
  2. Open the HCR Cases and Outcomes tab.
  3. Open the toggle in the shortcuts menu labelled Registration.
  4. Click Person. The Register Person modal will open. Click Next.
  5. Enter details for any person and click Save. The person profile should open.
  6. Click on the Options menu and select New Application. The Before We Start modal should open.
  7. Tick the checkbox labelled "This person agrees to allow their information to be used for this application.".
  8. Click Next. Select No from the dropdown labelled "Do you have a fixed address?".
  9. Select No from the dropdown labelled "Are you a state resident?".
  10. Select Yes from the drop-down labelled "Do you have a fixed address?".
  11. Select No from the dropdown labelled "Do you have a fixed address?".
  12. Select No from the dropdown labelled "Are you a state resident?".

Note: If you are a customer that does not use the Healthcare Reform Solution, but have configured Intelligence Gathering Scripts as an Intake mechanism, you can reproduce this scenario by configuring an IEG Question Page within a script to contain a control question with two conditional clusters.

The control question controls the display of the first conditional cluster. The first conditional cluster contains a dropdown controlling the display of the second conditional cluster. The second conditional cluster can contain any content.

Non Healthcare Reform Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Select a value in the control question, that will cause the first conditional cluster to be displayed.
  2. Select a value in the dropdown in the first first conditional cluster to be displayed, that will cause the second conditional cluster to be displayed.
  3. Return to the control question and select a value that closes the conditional clusters.
  4. Select a value in the control question that will cause the second conditional cluster to be displayed.


The conditional cluster will open, and the dropdown menu will be blank. This issue has been resolved by unsetting the value of dropdown fields when the conditional cluster they are displayed within is hidden.

WorkItem:227413 - The process which verifies the entity parameters of a custom function in a validation expression is incorrectly adding entities to the query context

Issue Description:

APAR PO07074 delivered a fix to address an issue where a page that contained both a list-question and a validation, that references an externally populated entity which is, for example, an entity that was created using a Callout and not through an IEG page, caused a null pointer exception to be thrown. As part of this fix, the entity parameters of a custom function used in a validation expression are validated to ensure they are correct. However, a defect was discovered in this validation process, and as a result, this validation process has been removed.User Interface Impact: No Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an account for a user using the Citizen Portal.
  2. Click “Apply for assistance with your Health Care”
  3. Navigate through the script and make sure the user is a female, with a date of birth of 1/1/1980, has a Utah address, is a tax filer and has no income.
  4. After the script is complete, the user should be eligible for Medicaid. Sign and submit the application.
  5. Log in to the Merative Social program Management application as hcrcaseworker.
  6. Authorize the application case that was created for the user.
  7. Log back into Citizen Portal as the user.
  8. Add a new household member who is a child, lives at the same address as the mother, has no income and is tax dependant on the mother.
  9. Navigate through the script until the end.
  10. Both users will now be ineligible for Medicaid.

**Note: **If you are a customer that does not use the Healthcare Reform Solution, but have configured Intelligence Gathering Scripts as an Intake mechanism, you can reproduce this scenario by configuring an IEG Question Page within a script that contains both a dynamically populated list question that references an externally populated entity which is created using a Callout, and a validation that has a custom function in its expression, where the custom function retrieves the value of the externally populated entity, which was passed into it as a parameter.

Non Healthcare Reform Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the script question page which contains the dynamically populated list question.
  2. Click Next on this page which will trigger the validation with the custom function in its expression.
  3. This validation will throw a null pointer exception, preventing the user from navigating to the next page.


Customers will still be able to create an Intelligent Evidence Gathering page containing both a list-question and a validation which references an externally populated entity. However, customers will be unable to reference the newly added entities as parameters of a custom function, that is used in a validation expression.

Evidence Broker

WorkItem:210855 - Missing description in model for attribute shareVerificationsOption of entity class EvidenceBrokerConfig

Issue Description:

Field "shareVerificationsOption" of entity "EvidenceBrokerConfig" did not include documentation in the RSA model.
This field contains a code table value which indicates how verifications should be shared.
Valid values are: "always", "never", and "if applicable".**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open RSA.
  2. In the Project Explorer view in RSA, open the model named "EvidenceBroker".
  3. Navigate to the attribute: EvidenceBroker::Reference
    Model::Service Layer::shareVerificationsOption

(The underlying source file for this UML class is
/EvidenceBroker/model/Packages/Reference Model/Service Layer/Administration/EvidenceBrokerConfig/Entity/
Entity_cat.efx )

  1. Click the Documentation tab for this attribute.
  2. The Documentation is empty.


This issue has now been resolved, the "shareVerificationsOption" model object has been updated to include a description.

Business Intelligence and Analytics

PO07521, WorkItem:214878 - BIRT reports did not display scroll bars to users, even when configured to allow scrolling

Issue Description:

Previously, BIRT reports did not display scroll bars to users, even when they were configured to allow scrolling. This was as a result of the BIRT Viewers default CSS styling for overflow not being set.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to BIRT Viewer as Admin.
  2. Navigate to a sample report, which when opened will be larger than the screen size.
  3. Open the sample report, and no scroll bars are visible to the user.


The issue has now been resolved. Now when reports are larger than the screen size, scroll bars will now appear as part of the viewer.

Provider Match with Watson

WorkItem:225302 - Merative Social program Management Provider Match Application is being withdrawn and support is discontinued

Issue Description:

As per official the announcement (, the IBM Watson Tradeoff Analytics service is being deprecated. As a result, the Merative Social program Management Provider Match Application has been withdrawn and support discontinued. See withdraw announcement at

User Inteface Impact: No

**Steps to Reproduce: **N/A


While some technical artefacts still remain in this version of the product for now, the following configuration files have been updated to remove visual references to Provider Match from the Merative Social program Management Application so that functionality cannot be accessed inadvertently:

  1. <SERVER_DIR>/EJBServer/Components/ProviderMatch/
  2. <SERVER_DIR>/EJBServer/Components/ProviderMatch/
  3. <SERVER_DIR>/EJBServer/Components/ProviderMatch/

In addition, the property Enable Watson Visualization for Provider Match, that enabled the Provider Match Application, has been updated to advise customers not to use the property.

Customers are advised to break any dependencies they have on any of the files or properties listed, as the technical artefacts will be removed in a future release.


Income Support

PO05964, WorkItem:148269 - Unable to authorize FA application when applicant is already in receipt of FA benefit and applicant is victim of domestic violence

Issue Description:

When authorizing a new Food Assistance application for a client, a validation currently prevents authorization if the client is currently receiving benefits in another Food Assistance case. Previously this validation incorrectly prevented authorization even in a situation in which the applicant was also a victim of domestic violence and resided in a shelter for battered women and children.
**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an application in Income Support for Food Assistance for a husband and wife that include the following evidence.
  2. The husband is the primary client and all household members have US Citizenship, valid SSN's, Permanent State Residents, and Living Arrangement (Home, Permanent).
  3. Husband is the Head of Household for Food Assistance.
  4. Check eligibility and authorize/activate the Food Assistance product delivery case.
  5. Create another application in Income Support for Food Assistance for the wife that includes the following evidence.
  6. The wife is the primary client and has US Citizenship, valid SSN, Permanent State Residency, and Living Arrangement (Shelter for battered women and children, Permanent).
  7. Check eligibility.
  8. Attempt to authorize the Food Assistance product delivery case.
  9. A validation message is displayed and prevents the user from authorizing the new product delivery case.


The validation that prevents a user from authorizing a client for a new Food Assistance or product delivery case if the client is currently an ongoing case member in another case has been updated to recognize when the client has a domestic violence exception and allow authorization to occur. An ongoing case member is defined as having a CaseGroup record of type Member (CG3) without end date. The updated validation allows a new case to be authorized when not ended on another product delivery case provided that the certification period has an end date in the past.

For the domestic violence exception flow, there is a message prior to authorization. A warning is added as a Display Phase on /Curam/components/
Recommendation_confirmAuthorize.uim. This calls out to curam.program
Recommendation.checkAuthorizationOverrides to perform the check. The message is provided by /EJBServer/components/ISProduct/message/Program
RecommendationAuthorization.xml INF_ASSISTANCE_UNIT_MEMBERS_ALREADY_ON

This feature is turned off by default. The following configuration option needs to be enabled:

Authorization Validation Override for Food Assistance
*When Food Assistance is authorized, determines whether the authorization should be allowed when an applicant is a case member on another Food Assistance case that does not have a status of closed, but has living arrangement evidence of type "Shelter for Battered Women and Children" on the new application. When the value is "YES", the system overrides the authorization validation and authorization is allowed.

WorkItem:184989 - Additional Medicaid rates for 2017

Issue Description:

The following rate tables did not have their values up-to-date through the end of the year 2017: CER LTC Maximum Income Allocation, CER LTC Spousal Resource Standard, CER Home Equity Resource Limit, CER Living Allowance, CER Earned Income Student Child Disregard, CER LTC Family Deeming Allowance, CER Presumed Maximum Value, CER LTC Income Eligibility Standard, CER Pickle.
User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an administrator.
  2. Select "Rate Tables" under the "Rules and Evidence" Shortcuts menu item.
  3. Select the specific rate tables (CER LTC Maximum Income Allocation, CER LTC Spousal Resource Standard, CER Home Equity Resource Limit, CER Living Allowance, CER Earned Income Student Child Disregard, CER LTC Family Deeming Allowance, CER Presumed Maximum Value, CER LTC Income Eligibility Standard, CER Pickle)


Rates have now been implemented with the effective dates listed below.

CER LTC Maximum Income Allocation (January 1, 2017)

  • 3,022.50

CER LTC Spousal Resource Standard
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  • Minimum Spousal Amount - 23,844
  • Maximum Spousal Amount - 119,220

January 1, 2017

  • Minimum Spousal Amount - 24,180.00
  • Maximum Spousal Amount - 120,900.00

CER Home Equity Resource Limit January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  • 552,000.00

January 1, 2017

  • 560,000.00

CER Living Allowance

January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  • Child - 367
  • Spouse - 367
  • Sponsor - 733
  • 1 Parent - 733
  • 2 Parents - 1100

January 1, 2017

  • Child - 368
  • Spouse - 368
  • Sponsor - 735
  • 1 Parent - 735
  • 2 Parents - 1103

CER Earned Income Student Child Disregard (January 1, 2017)

  • Earned Income Student Child Disregard - Monthly 1790
  • Earned Income Student Child Limit - Calendar Year 7200

CER LTC Family Deeming Allowance

  • 667.50 - July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017

CER Presumed Maximum Value (January 1, 2017)

  • Individual - 265
  • Couple - 387.66

CER LTC Income Eligibility Standard
March 1, 2016 - February 29, 2016

  • Household Size and Limit
  • HouseholdSize1 - 990
  • HouseholdSize2 - 1335
  • HouseholdSize3 - 1680
  • HouseholdSize4 - 2025
  • HouseholdSize5 - 2370
  • HouseholdSize6 - 2715
  • HouseholdSize7 - 3061
  • HouseholdSize8 - 3408
  • Over 8 add for each person - 346

March 1, 2017

  • Household Size and Limit
  • HouseholdSize1 - 1005
  • HouseholdSize2 - 1353
  • HouseholdSize3 - 1702
  • HouseholdSize4 - 2050
  • HouseholdSize5 - 2398
  • HouseholdSize6 - 2747
  • HouseholdSize7 - 3095
  • HouseholdSize8 - 3443
  • Over 8 add for each person - 349

CER Pickle (January 1, 2017)

  • May – June 1977 - 0.244
  • July 1977 – June 1978 - 0.259
  • July 1978 – June 1979 - 0.276
  • July 1979 – June 1980 - 0.303
  • July 1980 – June 1981 - 0.346
  • July 1981 – June 1982 - 0.385
  • July 1982 – Dec. 1983 - 0.414
  • Jan. 1984 – Dec. 1984 - 0.428
  • Jan. 1985 – Dec. 1985 - 0.443
  • Jan. 1986 – Dec. 1986 - 0.457
  • Jan. 1987 – Dec. 1987 - 0.463
  • Jan. 1988 – Dec. 1988 - 0.482
  • Jan. 1989 – Dec. 1989 - 0.501
  • Jan. 1990 – Dec. 1990 - 0.525
  • Jan. 1991 – Dec. 1991 - 0.553
  • Jan. 1992 – Dec. 1992 - 0.574
  • Jan. 1993 – Dec. 1993 - 0.591
  • Jan. 1994 – Dec. 1994 - 0.606
  • Jan. 1995 – Dec. 1995 - 0.623
  • Jan. 1996 – Dec. 1996 - 0.639
  • Jan. 1997 – Dec. 1997 - 0.658
  • Jan. 1998 – Dec. 1998 - 0.672
  • Jan. 1999 – Dec. 1999 - 0.681
  • Jan. 2000 – Dec. 2000 - 0.698
  • Jan. 2001 – Dec. 2001 - 0.722
  • Jan. 2002 – Dec. 2002 - 0.741
  • Jan. 2003 – Dec. 2003 - 0.751
  • Jan. 2004 – Dec. 2004 - 0.767
  • Jan. 2005 – Dec. 2005 - 0.788
  • Jan. 2006 – Dec. 2006 - 0.82
  • Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2007 - 0.847
  • Jan. 2008 – Dec. 2008 - 0.866
  • Jan. 2009 – Dec. 2011 - 0.917
  • Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2012 - 0.95
  • Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2013 - 0.966
  • Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2014 - 0.98
  • Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2016 - 0.997
  • Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2017 - 1

PO07685, WorkItem:225551 - When a new member is registered on or after their date of birth to an Insurance Affordability or Medical assistance case any income this new member receives has no impact on the households eligibility.

Issue Description:

When a newborn is added to an Insurance Affordability or Medical assistance case after the case start date and income evidence for this newborn is added at a date later than the newborn's date of birth this income is not counted when calculating the household eligibility.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. As hcrcaseworker submit an Insurance Affordability application with one adult member on 2/12/2018.
  2. Move the system date forward one day.
  3. Register a newborn child with date of birth on 2/13/2018.
  4. Add the newborn child using Guided Wizard into the household.
  5. Specify the reported date in which the member is added to the household as 2/13/2018.
  6. Set the newborn child, as the 'child' and 'tax dependent' of the first case member.
  7. Move the system date forward 3 months. 5/13/2018.
  8. Add a new Income Record of $6000, of type wages, for the newborn. Clear verifications and apply changes.
  9. Check the determination split for when the new born was added on to the case, navigate to Income tab.
  10. The newborn child's income was not counted in household’s income from the 5/13/2018.


The newborns income is now counted against the household eligibility.


PO03598, WorkItem:101303 - Case group member start date incorrectly changed when certification period start date modified

Issue Description:

Previously when a Food Assistance product delivery case contained two certification periods, when the start date of the second certification period was modified, case group member start dates were incorrectly changed to the updated start date of the second certification period.
**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Food Assistance product delivery case that contains two certification periods.
  2. Modify the start date of the second certification period to a week later.
  3. The case group member start date is updated to the same date which is incorrect.


The case group member start dates are no longer updated to the new start date of the second certification period.


PO02754, WorkItem:63335 - Items to Verify field displayed in context panel does not get refreshed when a verification item is added to an application case

Issue Description:

The "Items to Verify" value displayed in the context panel does not refresh when a verification item is added to an application case.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a case worker.
  2. Register a person and create a new application. Open the application case. The "Items to Verify" field on the context panel of the application case home page will display the number of verifications that are outstanding.
  3. Click on "Items to Verify" in the context panel to navigate to the Verifications page.
  4. Add a verification item for an outstanding verification.
  5. The value displayed in the "Items to Verify" field does not automatically refresh when a verification item is added.


The value displayed in the "Items to Verify" field is now correctly refreshed when a verification item is added to an application case.

PO07421, WorkItem:208823 - Authorization fails when entering two applications with matching Social Security Numbers

Issue Description

Previously, authorization failed on an application for Insurance Affordability when the Social Security Number for one of the household members was a duplicate of another participant who was authorized for Insurance Affordability.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login as hcrcaseworker.
  2. Create an application for Insurance Affordability for a person with a Social Security Number and authorize the application.
  3. Create an application and enter the same Social Security Number and authorize the application.
  4. Authorization fails.


Now, there is a validation on authorization for Insurance Affordability applications for duplicate Social Security Numbers. The following validation message displays: "The identification details already exist for another Person. Please correct the details or review for duplicate Person Details".

PO07630, WorkItem:222047 - Streamlined Medicaid eligibility ending one month early when a change in income occurs on the first day of the month

Issue Description:

Previously, Streamlined Medicaid eligibility was not extended out an extra month as expected when multiple changes to income occurred resulting in coverage incorrectly switching back to an Insurance Affordability level on the first day of the month.
**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a systems administrator and set the application property 'curam.healthCare.incomeConfiguration' to 'false'.
  2. Login as an hcrcaseworker and create an application with an application date of 2/6/2018.
  3. Single person with 100/yearly income resulting in Eligiblity for Streamlined Medicaid from 2/1/2018 - 1/31/2019.
  4. First change of circumstance - Change income to Insurance Affordability level (30,000/yearly) on 5/2/2018.
  5. Eligible for Streamlined Medicaid from 2/1/2018 - 5/31/2018. Extends correctly.
  6. Eligible for Insurance Affordability from 6/1/2018 - 12/31/2018.
  7. Second change of circumstance - Change income to Streamlined Medicaid level (1200/yearly) on 5/31/2018.
  8. Eligible for Streamlined Medicaid from 2/1/2018 - 1/31/2019.
  9. Insurance Affordability - Not Eligible.
  10. Third change of circumstance - Change income to Insurance Affordability level (31,200/yearly) on 6/1/2018.
  11. Streamlined Medicaid eligibility ends incorrectly on 5/31/2018 instead of 6/30/2018.


Streamlined Medicaid eligibility is now extended out an extra month to 6/30/2018.

PO04718, WorkItem:225445 - Resource and income eligibility incorrectly displayed on Decision summary page in parent to child deeming scenario for the Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) program

Issue Description:

Previously when a child was determined eligible for the Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) program by passing the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) rules, the Resource and Income eligibility showed as Undetermined on the ABD decision summary page.
**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Medical Assistance application for a father and two children that includes the following evidence.
  2. All household members with US Citizenship, valid SSN's, Permanent State Residents, and Living Arrangement (Home, Permanent).
  3. Earned income for Father is $3000/monthly (Full time, Wages and Salaries).
  4. Liquid resource of $3000, Cash on Hand, Sole Owner.
  5. Earned income Child 1 is $500/monthly (Full time, Wages and Salaries). No income for Child 2.
  6. Child 2 is receiving SSI benefits $100/monthly/cash.
  7. Check eligibility and navigate to the ABD decision.
  8. On the ABD decision summary page the Resource and Income eligibility are showing as Undetermined.
  9. This eligibility status was not correct.


The Resource and Income eligibility now show as Not Applicable on the ABD decision summary page when a child is determined eligible for the Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) program by passing the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) rules.

The following Rule attributes have been updated/added:

  1. EJBServer/components/ISMedicalAssistance/CREOLE_
    SummaryCategory.xml - hasHouseholdPassedIncome
    Message, hasHouseholdPassedResourcesMessage (updated)

PO07694, WorkItem:225528 - Modified projected income manually entered in an application is not displayed on the Summary page

Issue Description:

Previously if a citizen or caseworker selected ‘No’ for the proposed projected income within the Income section of the application and manually added a projected income amount, the Summary page incorrectly showed the original proposed projected income instead of the manually added income.

User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a person.
  2. Submit an application for the person by filling in all the required information.
  3. On the household income screen, provide two wages for the person.
  4. Answer 'No' to the question “Is this what you expect XXX annual income to be”.
  5. Enter a different amount as the expected annual income and click next.
  6. On the final summary page the proposed projected income appears rather than what was manually added as projected income during the application process.


The projected income entered by the user is now being shown in the summary page.

PO07730, WorkItem:227145 - When a household member is modified from being an 'Applicant' to a 'Non-Applicant' during the application process, social security number details are incorrectly stored

Issue Description:

Previously, when a household member was modified from being an 'Applicant' to a 'Non-Applicant' on the Summary page within an application and the social security number details were removed, the social security number details were still being stored after the application was submitted.**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a person and create an application where the person is an 'Applicant' and provide a social security number.
  2. Add a second person to the application as an 'Applicant' and provide a social security number.
  3. Complete remaining details such as relationships and income and proceed to the final Summary page.
  4. On the Summary page, select to edit Household Member details by clicking "change".
  5. Change the second household member to a 'Non-Applicant'.
  6. Continue through the application and leave the Social Security Number field blank for the 'Non-Applicant' person.
  7. Submit the application.
  8. The social security number originally entered for the second household member is incorrectly stored.


Social security number details are now being reset during the application process.

Child Welfare

WorkItem:148036 - "Configuring Outcome Management Guide" updated to include additional details about configuring outcome plan activities and system properties

Issue Description:

In the Merative Social Program Management documentation, information about how to configure activities was missing from the "Configuring Outcome Plans" section of the "Configuring Outcome Management Guide".

User Interface Impact: No

**Steps to Reproduce:**N/A


Details about how to configure activities for an outcome plan have been added to the "Configuring Outcome Plans" section.
In addition the "Configuring outcome plan system properties" sub-section has been updated.

See the updated documentation at the following links:

PO07597, WorkItem:227662 - Issues with downloading PDFs from Tab Action menu within Intake and Investigation case

Issue Description:

Previously, there was an issue with the spinner not being dismissed when a user downloaded a PDF within an Intake or Investigation case. In addition the user was only able to download a PDF once on the following reports: Intake Report, Intake Letter, Mandated Reporter Disposition Letter, and Investigation Summary Report.User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an intake, add Adult, Child and Mandated Reporter participants.
  2. Create an investigation.
  3. Dispose the allegations as 'Unsubstantiated'.
  4. Make a recommendation to close the case.
  5. Close the investigation case.
  6. Select the Mandated Reporter Disposition Letter report.
  7. The spinner remains on the page and is not being dismissed when the PDF file is downloaded.


Now, the spinner is being dismissed when a user downloads a PDF and the user is able to download a PDF more than once.

Merative SPM Workers Compensation

PO07304, WorkItem:202722 - Claim home page, person, and employer context panels still use Curam 6 styles

Issue Description:

Three context panels were incorrectly using v6 styles instead of the new Merative styles. The context panels that were using these old stylings were the Claim home page context panel, person context panel and employer context panel.

User Interface Impact:
Yes - Context panels no longer use v6 styles.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as claimworker.
  2. Register a person and view the context panel for the person.
  3. Create claim and view the context panel for the claim.
  4. Register an employer and view the context panel for the employer.
  5. Old images from the previous styles appear on the context panels.


New images and CSS styles have been applied to these context panels making them consistent with the rest of the application.

PO07430, WorkItem:209517 - Integrated Case home page does not display product delivery cases

Issue Description:

Previously, when the value of the application property '' was set to “YES”, no product delivery cases created within a Claim were displayed under the 'Cases' cluster of the Claim home page.
User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log on as a systems administrator and edit the property “” to set the value to YES.
  2. Log on as claimsworker and create a claim.
  3. From the Claim Home page, create a product delivery case by selecting “New Case” from the action menu.
  4. The Claim Home Page does not display the newly created product delivery case.


Now when the value of the application property '' is set to “YES”, the Claim home page displays the product delivery cases including closed cases under the 'Cases' cluster.

Known Issues

See the Known Issues section in the release notes.


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".

ReleaseNotes_7.0.3.0 Refresh Pack.csv

Document Information

More support for:

Merative Social Program Management

Software version:


Operating system(s):

Linux, Windows

Modified date:

21 June 2018