Merative ™ Social Program Management

Release Notes


Merative Social Program Management Release Notes


IntroductionSystem Requirements
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Known Issues


Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management release.

This is a cumulative release which incorporates the Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates contained in all previous 7.0.0 Fix Pack releases. Details of these Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates are included separately in the release notes for each of the previous Fix Pack releases.

For the latest version of the release notes, see

Full product documentation can be found in the documentation.

System Requirements

For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.


See the download instructions for this release at /support/spm.


Prior to running the installer please ensure all files in your Merative Social Program Management installation are writable.

The installation steps are as follows:

Additional installation instructions can be found in the Development Environment Installation Guide.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.

To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/spm.

Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates

Cúram Enterprise Framework
Cúram Modules

Cúram Enterprise Framework

Dynamic Evidence
Integrated Case Management
Application Development Environment
Common Intake

Dynamic Evidence

Evidence Maintenance


PO06532, WorkItem:170998 - "POSTCODE" displayed in English on Person Home Page in Chinese Installation instead of the postcode number

Previously, if the Chinese address format (address.zh_CN=POSTCODE PROV, CITY, DISTRICT, ADD1, ADD2) was configured in Sysadmin, the postcode value was never displayed in the application; instead, the word 'POSTCODE' was displayed. Now, the correct postcode is displayed in the address.

Integrated Case Management

PO06773, WorkItem:185575 - Investigation of issues with Product Delivery ActivationEligibility.assessEligibilityForCase

Previously, the assessEligibilityForCase method in ProductDeliveryActivationEligibility did not log AppException errors, in some circumstances. As a result, if an AppException occurred, it was possible that partially completed transactions could be completed (instead of being rolled back).
This defect has been fixed to ensure that the AppException is thrown and will be handled by the server infrastructure normally.

PO06845, WorkItem:198501 - Missing person image on context panel of Product Delivery Case when there are more than two participants on the Product Delivery

Previously, when there were more than two people on a Product Delivery Case or an Application Case, there was a missing person image on the context panel of the home pages. This issue has now been resolved. Now, where there are three or more people on an Product Delivery Case or an Application Case, all the relevant images are displayed.


PO04819, WorkItem:122480 - Incorrect validation message displayed in Invite Attendees modal

Previously, when creating a meeting from an application case, incorrect error messages were displayed in two scenarios.
In the first scenario, when attendee details have not been entered and the Add button is clicked, an incorrect message, "The attendee you have chosen does not match the selected attendee type", was displayed. This has been fixed and the correct message, "Attendee details must be entered", is now displayed.

In the second scenario, when adding an attendee with an incorrectly formatted (without @ sign) email address and the Add button is clicked, an incorrect message, "The attendee you have chosen does not match the selected attendee type", was displayed . This has been fixed and the correct message, "<<email address entered>> is not a valid email address. Valid email addresses must contain the @ character", is now displayed.

Application Development Environment

Client Development Environment


Look & Feel


PO06939, WorkItem:189500 - Code table dropdown menu has smaller clickable area than suggested by the mouse pointer

Previously, there was an issue where the code table dropdown menus only expanded when the user clicked a very specific area of the dropdown despite the cursor turning into a pointer. Clickable area has been expanded to match the active pointer area of the dropdown.


PO06871, WorkItem:198328 - Vertical scrollbar is clipped on codetables that contain a large number of values.

Previously, when an item description in a codetable dropdown contained a large amount of characters the vertical codetable dropdown scrollbar would not display. As a result, a user could not access all available items in the codetable dropdown. This issue is now resolved. If a codetable item description contains a large amount of characters the item description text will be truncated, and the codetable dropdown scrollbar will display as expected. The full value of the truncated codetable description item can be accessed via a tooltip.

Common Intake

PO06963, WorkItem:196657 - The Items to Verify link on the context panel should be a configurable page

Previously the 'Items to Verify' link on the application case context panel was opening the items to verify page CommonIntake_listVerificationsForCase, this has been changed to open a resolver script CommonIntake_resolveListVerificationsForCase, which allows for redirects to other verification pages if required, including CommonIntake_listVerificationsForCase.

Cúram Modules

Evidence Broker

Evidence Broker

PO06812, WorkItem:198500 - Address evidence end date not shared when a new preferred address is created and both evidence records activated at the same time

The process to capture a new preferred address for an individual, from an Integrated Case, involves creating a new preferred address as well as updating the existing address to uncheck the preferred indicator and set the end date. Previously, when the In-Edit addresses were activated simultaneously, the evidence end date was not shared to the existing address at Person level. This issue is now resolved. Now, when a case worker needs to add a new preferred address while ending the existing preferred address, the end date is updated on Person evidence as expected.


Income Support

Income Support

Medical Assistance

PO06096, WorkItem:151806 - Incorrect end date displayed when adding new Countable Assistance Period evidence

Previously an incorrect end date was being determined when the number of months was entered for the Countable Assistance Period evidence.

Now the correct end date is being determined and displayed.

WorkItem:196387 - Page title missing on cases types Transactions page

Previously, when viewing the Transactions page under the Financials tab for either a Food Assistance or Cash Assistance Product Delivery Case, there was no Transactions title displayed.

Now, this has been corrected and the Transactions title is displayed for both products.

PO07186, WorkItem:197740 - Community services page not displaying the google map with the location of the services available to the client

Previously, when a Triage application was submitted for a client where the client is eligible for configured services, the community services page did not display the google map with the location of the services available to the client.

Now, the google map containing the location of services available to the client can be viewed on the Community Services page having submitted the Triage application.


PO02631 PO04016, WorkItem:103912 - Items to verify link on product delivery context panel opens verification items in the current page

Previously the 'Items to Verify' link on the product delivery context panel was opening the verification items in the current page.

This has been resolved and the 'Items to Verify' link now correctly opens the verification items within the Evidence tab.

PO04146, WorkItem:104607 - Refactor the method Statics.hasLostMECWithinCoveragePeriod and update the Java Doc to reflect what the method does

Previously, the java doc was unclear in the method Statics.hasLostMECWithinCoveragePeriod(). Now, this method has been deprecated and refactored into a new method

Statics.hasLostMECWithinCoveragePeriod1() and the logic corrected. In addition, the Java Doc has been updated to reflect the refactored method.

The following Java files were modified for this enhancement:


The following RuleSets were modified for this enhancement:

PO06963, WorkItem:153148 - Items to Verify link on application case context panel is directing the user to an incorrect page

Previously the 'Items to Verify' link on the application case context panel was opening the items to verify page CommonIntake_listVerificationsForCase, this has been changed to open a resolver script CommonIntake_resolveListVerificationsForCase, which allows for redirects to other verification pages if required, including HCRIC_listVerificationsForCase.

WorkItem:187258 - Incorrect eligibility determination for Insurance Assistance after applying an open ended benefit evidence and then subsequently end dating the benefit evidence

Previously in a scenario where a client was determined eligible for Insurance Assistance (IA) and then became ineligible for IA from a particular date onwards due to the receipt of a benefit such as Medicaid Part A with no end date, when the benefit evidence record was subsequently end dated, the client's eligibility was incorrectly reassessed. Although the client was correctly eligible for IA starting again from the end date of the benefit, the new determination was incorrectly indicating the client as ineligible during the time period prior to receipt of the benefit.

This issue has now been resolved so that when benefit evidence that was added is end dated, eligibility is now correctly determined.

PO04797, WorkItem:187259 - Duplicate Insurance Affordability Product Delivery Cases are created after Change of Circumstance when initial applicant is female and a male applicant is added later

Previously, a duplicate Insurance Affordability Product Delivery Cases was created after a Change of Circumstance when the initial applicant was female and a male applicant was added later.

Now, the female applicant is retained as the primary applicant to avoid duplicate product creation.

This has been fixed by modifying the rules that identify the tax filer around which to create the Insurance Assistance Product.

To aid in this determination, two new attributes have been added to the class:

WorkItem:187260 - During an application, an error occurred after providing incarceration information without incarceration pending disposition of charges

Previously, a user was presented with an error, after the left-hand navigation bar was selected and the next button clicked, if they provided incarceration information when there was no incarceration pending disposition of charges information entered.

This issue is now resolved and the application should proceed without error.

Files Changed

PO06870, WorkItem:187261 - Incorrect product start date when the primary participant holds existing cover during the start of product

Previously, on the creation of an initial Insurance Affordability or State Basic Health Plan Product Delivery Case, only the primary participant was taken in to account when determining the product start date which resulted in non-primary participants being given eligibility starting later than should have been. This occurred when the primary participant held existing cover during the start of the application and therefore their product start date was delayed.

Now, the product start dates for non primary participants is correct as the earlier date of the non primary participant is taken into account. This avoids the loss of initial eligibility for a non-primary participant.

PO06855, WorkItem:187263 - The Household Summary Page is not displaying updated SSN details when an applicant changes from an applicant to a non filer applicant and error thrown once user navigates past this page

Previously, if a user changed from being an applicant to a non-applicant midway through the application process, a new SSN needed to be entered. However, this SSN was not reflected in Household Summary Page. Once the user then proceeded past the Household Summary Page, an error would occur.

This has now been resolved and the correct SSN is now reflected in the Household Summary Page. Further to this, the user can now navigate past the Household Summary Page without issue.

PO06910, WorkItem:189769 - Incorrect Certification period start date is being created for Unassisted Qualified Health Plan when Medicaid and Insurance Assistance products already exist

Previously, an incorrect Certification Period was being created for Unassisted Qualified Health Plan when Medicaid and Insurance Assistance products already exist. It should be noted that this had no impact on the correct eligibility period.

Now, the correct Certification Period is being created for this scenario.

WorkItem:190038 - The mailing address is being lost when a person applies for multiple applications

Previously, after registering a new person and requesting a second application, the mailing address was lost if a new fixed address was entered for the second application and the mailing address same as fixed indicator was selected. Further to this, their mailing address was also lost if a person was initially registered with a mailing address.

Now, this has been resolved and the correct mailing address details are created on the participant's case.

WorkItem:192014 - Refactor eligibility and entitlement logic to reduce the number of static callouts to align program timelines

The following attributes have been refactored to remove unnecessary calls to alignment logic.

All Rule Sets below are within /EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets:

WorkItem:192332 - 2017 Federal Poverty Levels for Streamlined Medicaid and CHIP

The following FPL rates for Streamlined Medicaid and CHIP are updated with effective date March 1, 2017

WorkItem:193380 - Incorrect benefit details displayed if the applicant filer is female with husband and dependent child

Previously, the benefit unit details for the tax dependent child were missing when the primary applicant was female with a non primary husband also filing.

Now, this has been corrected and the benefit unit details for the dependent child are being displayed.

The following rules changes have been made:



WorkItem:193397 - Streamlined Medicaid Category incorrect if one parent was removed from a household and the member relationship evidence was not updated

Previously, the Streamlined Medicaid category was incorrectly being set to 'Adult' rather than 'Parent or Caretaker' for the parent remaining in the household when one parent was removed from the household and the member relationship evidence was not updated. This left the child incorrectly deprived of parental support.

Now, this has been resolved. The Streamlined Medicaid Parent/Caretaker Category has been corrected to only count parents who are in the household when determining if a child is deprived of parental support.

The following rules changes have been made:

WorkItem:193400 - Incorrect Streamlined Medicaid Category for a parent when a child has been removed and re-added as a non applicant

Previously, the Incorrect Streamlined Medicaid Category was determined for a Parent/Caretaker when a child had been removed and re-added as a non applicant. The rules to determine the Streamlined Medicaid Category of Parent/Caretaker did not include children if they were non-applicants.

This has now been corrected and non-applicant children are included when determining Parent/Caretaker Category eligibility.

The following rules changes have been made:


WorkItem:194040 - When attempting to save and exit twice in the portal, the user is presented with an error

Previously, when attempting to save and exit twice in the portal, the user was presented with an error.

This issue has now been resolved. It occurred as the Java package com.sun.jmx.trace had been removed from Java 8. This issue was resolved by removing all references to this package. The error now no longer occurs.

PO07092, WorkItem:194113 - Child who was temporarily absent from the state (but intending to return) not eligible for Streamlined Medicaid when added via Add a Member wizard

Previously when an applicant who was temporarily absent from the state (but intending to return) was added via the Add a Member guided evidence change wizard, the absence evidence was incorrectly not being created which resulted in potentially incorrect eligibility determination. This has now been resolved.

PO07136, WorkItem:195799 - Former Foster Care member name does not display on the Streamlined Medicaid Product Delivery home tab

Previously the member details of the applicant who was eligible under the former foster care youth category of Streamlined Medicaid was not being displayed on the Streamlined Medicaid Product Delivery Home tab.

Now the member's details and coverage category are displayed for former foster care. The financial group is not displayed as it is not determined for former foster care youth.

PO06925, WorkItem:196056 - The incorrect private address is being used to populate the case worker application

Previously, if a mailing address was supplied during initial application and during the re-application process the existing mailing address was updated in the application script, a new mailing address was always created often resulting in multiple active mailing address evidence records on the same case.

The following behavior has been introduced to resolve this issue:

  1. The existing mailing address is end dated if the start date of that evidence is before the application date. A new mailing address is then created with the new address details.
  2. The existing mailing address is updated with the new address details if the start date of the existing mailing address is the same date as the new application date.
  3. If the existing mailing address has a start date later than the application date on the new application, no end date is set on the existing mailing address record and a new mailing address is then created with the new address details with a start date of the application date. In this scenario, multiple mailing address evidence records will exist that will need to be reviewed and updated by a caseworker as required.

Where an existing mailing address is end dated, the end date is set to the day before the application date.

PO07160, WorkItem:196830 - The Guided Changes wizard can be launched when all clients on the application are not registered.

Previously on the Insurance Affordability application and integrated cases the guided wizard add member link was enabled from the tab level menu actions when there was a prospect person on the case.

Now the add a member link is visible but disabled if a prospect person exists on the application case.

WorkItem:197737 - Integrated Case Menu item for Guided change add a member is incorrect when a prospect person is on the integrated case

Previously on the Insurance Affordability integrated case the guided wizard add member link was enabled from the tab level menu actions when there was a prospect person on the case.

Now the add a member link is visible but disabled if a prospect person exists on the integrated case.

Known Issues

See the Known Issues section in the release notes.


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".

Document Information

More support for:

Merative Social Program Management

Software version:


Operating system(s):

Linux, Windows

Modified date:

17 June 2018