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Merative ™ Social Program Management has removed Adobe Flash dependencies in 2020

Merative ™ Social Program Management is now Cúram ™ by Merative™

Flashes (Alerts)


You can now remove all Flash dependencies for charts, widgets, and editors for all Merative Social Program Management 7.0 versions. Download and install two software assets, one for charts and widgets, the other for editors. Charts and widgets have been replaced with new modern interfaces, and editors have been replaced with new stand-alone versions. This technote describes the background to the changes, and provides a full description of each asset and how to download and install each asset.


Customers that are on an earlier release of Social Program Management can contact Merative Customer Support by raising a support case through the Merative Support Portal.


In July 2017 Adobe announced their intention to end-of-life Flash. In a statement Adobe said:

"In collaboration with several of our technology partners - including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla, Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats."

Since that announcement, browser vendors have made it increasingly difficult for users to use Flash and some have announced that they will not support the Flash player after the end of 2020.

Now in 2020, the Social Program Management product has no dependency on Adobe Flash:

  • Some of the Flash dependent charts and widgets were replaced with equivalents that use an alternative technology.
  • Widgets and editors, that are not now used, were deprecated with the intention of removing them from the product in the future.
  • Some of the charts and widgets that were no longer used have previously been deprecated or replaced, and will now be removed.
  • Two new assets were released to remove Flash dependencies for charts, assets, and editors.

Installing the assets

Download and install the following assets from Fix Central and follow the instructions in the download or in Product documentation and PDFs.

Editor Applications asset

Use this asset to enable standalone versions of the following editors:

  • The Cúram Express Rules (CER) editor
  • The Data Mapping editor
  • The Data Store editor
  • The Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) editor
  • The Decision Matrix editor
  • The Dynamic Evidence editor

After the asset is installed, to ensure that you have the appropriate server updates, you must reinstall the asset if you upgrade to Social Program Management 7.0.0 or later through one of the following upgrades:

  • Modification Releases
  • Refresh Packs
  • Fix Packs
  • Interim Fixes

Charts and Widgets asset

Use this asset to replace chart and widgets based on Adobe Flex with responsive versions based on modern React JavaScript components for all versions of Merative Social Program Management 7.0.

The current functionality of the charts and widgets is maintained for existing customers, with enhanced accessibility where appropriate. A new color scheme from the Merative Carbon Design System provides an accessible and enhanced user experience. Colors on certain charts were updated to meet the contrast ratio (3:1) defined by 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast (AA) in WCAG 2.1.

After the asset is installed, you must reinstall the asset if you upgrade to any Social Program Management 7.0 version through one of the following upgrades:

  • Modification Releases
  • Refresh Packs
  • Fix Packs
  • Interim Fixes

Flash-dependent editors whose usage has changed

Use of the following editors now requires the installation of the asset.

Document Information

More support for:

Merative Social Program Management

Software version:

All Version(s)

Operating system(s):


Modified date:

10 December 2020

Flash-dependent editors
Name Usage Filename

Dynamic evidence editor

The dynamic evidence editor is a graphical
editing environment for dynamic evidence
type version metadata. Administrators can
use the dynamic evidence editor to define
the storage, behavioral, and visual
characteristics of dynamic evidence
type versions.


Decision matrix editor

The decision matrix editor is used to define
the logic (rules) to be used in determining an
assessment outcome. The decision matrix
editor provides a user-friendly environment
and interface for the users to create, edit,
and validate a decision matrix.


IEG editor and data store editor

Decision Assist integrates with Cúram
Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG).
The integration enables the creation of and
maintenance of Decision Assist questionnaires
by using the IEG editor. The process includes
creating new questionnaire sections, pages,
clusters, questions, and question aliases.


The required data store entities and attributes,
and the data types of the attributes are configured
by using the data store editor. The data store
entities and their attributes can then be used for
the question pages and questions in the IEG editor.


CER editor

The Cúram Express Rules (CER) editor provides
a user-friendly environment and interface for
both technical and business users to create, edit,
and validate a rule set and its rule classes.


Cúram Data Mapping editor (CDME)

Data mapping is the process by which data from
the Cúram Datastore is mapped into Cúram
evidence entities. Data is mapped by the Cúram
Data Mapping Engine by using mappings
that are configured in the Cúram Data Mapping
editor. Mappings are created for a program
on an intake application.


Flash dependent charts and widgets that can now be replaced

For those SPM charts and widgets that are widely used and currently depend on Flash requirements, SPM provides a replacement that:

  • Provides the same user functionality
  • Makes minor changes to the users experience

The following table lists the charts and widgets:


Flash dependent charts and widgets that can now be replaced in SPM 7.0 versions
Name Usage File Replacement Technology

Assessment Delivery

Feature of Outcome Management.
Allows the user to quickly establish
the strengths and needs. Provides a
bar and spider chart on the Assessment
page Home and History tabs.



Assessment Delivery

Feature of Outcome Management.
Provides an easy view of the Assessment
details which helps with usability. Provides
an embedded bar and spider chart when
the Assessment list item is expanded from
the Assessments & Factors tab of the
Outcome Plan.



Assessment Tracking,
Income Support

Assessment Tracking used in Income
Support similar to the Assessment
Delivery Details and Results listed above.



Enhanced Client Selection

Used to select multiple clients when
creating an Outcome Plan.



Create Social Enterprise

Used to select multiple clients and
cases when creating a Social Enterprise



Citizen Context Viewer

Reduces amount of navigation required
to understand relationships between
people and cases.



Factor Activities

Calendar view used on the Activities section
of the Factors homepage.



Factor Ratings

Line chart used on the Ratings section
of the Factors homepage.



Horizontal Bar Chart

Used throughout the application. For
example, provides supervisors with an easy
way of seeing what tasks are due for users
in the next week/month.



Vertical Bar Chart

Used throughout the application. For
example, provides supervisors with an easy
way of seeing various graphs of functions
that they need to monitor such as the 'Case
Plan Review Performance'.



Flash dependent items that were deprecated in 2020

There are a number of Flash dependent widgets that are no longer in use. The widgets were deprecated during 2020 and the code will be removed in a subsequent release.

The following table lists the widgets that were deprecated:


Flash dependent widgets and editors that were deprecated in 2020
Name Usage Filename Rationale

Timeline and Progress
Timeline (also known as
Outcome Plan Workspace)

The workspace within an outcome
plan provides a case worker with the
capability to access recommended
and recently added objectives and
activities. Caseworkers are presented
with one of two types of workspace,
the activity workspace or the objective
workspace depending upon what type
of workspace the system has been
configured to use.


Redesigned Dojo
version now
available and
on by default.

Discussion Widget

Used for Multi-Disciplinary Teams
(MDT) collaboration.


Replaced with
UIM pages.

SEC and UA Rich
Text Editor

Rich Text Editor in SEC MDTWorkspace
and UA. Used for large formatted text
entries such as Discussions, Incidents,
Meetings and Meeting Minutes.


Replaced by
CK Editor.

Business Intelligence

Charts integrated into the online
application that offer front end business
users a view into the aggregated data
in the data warehouse, to support them
in decisions they make as part of day
to day business.


Business and Intelligence Reporting Tool
(BIRT) charts have been added to some
areas of the application to provide a
graphical view of data to users. For example,
the Employer homepage contains a chart
showing the number of permanent and the
number of casual workers. Also the chart
contained within a Payment Correction case
gives a visual indication of the balance;
how much is written off, how much is paid
and how much is outstanding.





HBarChart.swf, HBarChartLegendX.swf,






(X = Above, Below, Left, Right)

All BIRT charts
were changed
not to use Flex
technology and
render as PNG
images since

Case Determination
Graphical Display

Provided a graphical view of the key
decision factors for a determination.


Deprecated in V7
as part of the
'Merative Social
Program Manage
-ment Express
Rules (CER) Key
Decision Factors'.

Flash dependent items that will be removed from the product

The following Flash dependent widget was previously deprecated in SPM and the code will be removed in a subsequent release.


Flash dependent charts and widgets to be removed from the SPM product
Name Usage Filename Rationale

Evidence Flow

Provided a graphical representation
of all evidence types for a case as
an alternate view of case evidence to
users. Evidence types on a case were
represented as a series of ordered tiles.


Deprecated in V7 as
part of the 'Evidence Flow' feature.

Links to announcements from browser vendors




